About Activos24

Soluções completas
de transporte, distribuição e logística.

Activos24 is a logistics, transportation and distribution company, providing customized services tailored to the specific needs of each operation.

In an ever-changing global market and full of challenges, the ability to adapt to new realities is fundamental and the need to streamline processes is essential.

Our aim is to add value to your business through the development and implementation of integrated logistics solution and the provision of transport services and distribution.

With a philosophy based on the most innovative information systems, we ensure a fast and effective and offer a personalized giving total tranquility to its partners and customers.


To provide an Integrated Logistics, Transport and Distribution service of excellence to our partners, atending to their real necessities and expectations as well as internal business dynamics.


Consolidating existent partnerships and increase our activity in sustainable way, operation with profitability e presenting levels of excellency in all services provided.

Aspiramos ser uma das empresas líder de mercado na área dos operadores logísticos.

Compromisso para com os nossos parceiros e as suas reais necessidades.

Time is money. Sempre focados na importância de cumprir com os prazos.

Inovação diária para criar e otimizar processos que nos permitam atingir os objetivos propostos.

Valorizamos os nossos recursos humanos através de uma política de diversidade humana e cultural e constante enriquecimento profissional.

Ouvimos atentamente os nossos parceiros e agimos em conformidade.

Soluções para o seu negócio, é a nossa oferta incondicional.

24 horas por dia é o tempo que disponibilizamos para os nossos clientes e parceiros.